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Pys Melyn - "Prin" Single Review - 2nd Feb 2021

Updated: Apr 24, 2021

Review originally published by Welsh Connections on 2nd Feb 2021.

With trippy chill-out vibes and heaps of lo-fi indie character, Pys Melyn invite you on a gently psychedelic wander with their new single Prin (Welsh for “scarce”).

The song carries what seems to be Pys Melyn’s signature sound, augmented by guest vocals from Sior Amor (of Dyffryn Conwy dream poppers Omaloma): Simple lo-fi beats, detuned chord progressions and bass grooves bordering tropical lounge jazz, ambient lap steel sound-scaping, and proximal vocals that move transparently between singers and reduce to a murmur through loosely defined sections. As minimal trumpet harmonies join in at the 2-minute mark, it all adds up to a seamlessly genre-blending indie sound undeniably reminiscent of late 90’s Super Furry Animals – and blended into something very pleasing I should add. Along with its meandering lyrics, Prin invokes an image of floating on a Lilo and gently tripping while waiting to see if the world is going to end. Although the production may be a little harsh around the edges at times, this is balanced by a great deal of warmth and charm, creating a sound that is very compelling.

If you’re new to Pys Melyn (as I was this morning), you might wonder at first where the hooks are. But this is not a sound that insists on attention, which is exactly why this song deserves your time. In an age of quick-fix content consumption, Prin’s deliberate simplicity is a reminder that lightly exercising your attention span can be a rewarding experience that doesn’t always mean hard work. You may even find yourself digging into their previous releases (as I did this afternoon). Anyone already awaiting something new from Pys Melyn shouldn’t be disappointed either.

In short, a very cool contribution from the ever-growing Welsh psychedelic indie scene that’s well worth taking 3 minutes out for.

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